The review of Unblock Me FREE

04.11.2017 Off By admin


Unblock Me FREE walkthrough

Are you an iPad user? If yes might be you like playing a game. You can find many types of games that compatible with iPad. Puzzle games are the popular one. Puzzle game is enjoyable to play. For puzzle lovers Unblock Me FREE could be right choice for you. This game has a short gameplay. But, the game still challenging and fun. The free version of his game offer a great deal. You can get 400 puzzles with two different difficulties levels.

The paid version giving you more puzzles. You can get total 3000 puzzles with four difficulties levels.

Unblock me is a simple and addictive puzzle game. The goal of Unblock Me FREE is to make the red block out from the board by sliding the other blocks. To finish this game you do not need much time. Only need a short time to finishing this game.

I have some tips to finish this Unblock Me Free game. You need to look from different perspective. It will help you solve each stage easily. Every level has unique solution. You can solve the solution with follow the clues. Usually, the clues are given on the previous level and on the current level. With the clues you can find correct solution. The correct solution is the key to finish each level. I hope this article is help you to enjoy the puzzle game.

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