The Mansion: A Puzzle of Rooms Walkthrough Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

26.08.2013 Off By admin

The Mansion A Puzzle of Rooms walkthrough level 1 to 10 a new game created by com2us famous game developer for android and other platform, if we predicted this game will be successful just like tiny thief or croods but this game still need your help to be rated and share with other android users.


level 1 : tap door


level 2 : slide / tap cog wheel then open door.


level 3 : slide ladder right then slide ladder up, tap door.


level 4 : slide ladder left then go up right, down, right and up open door.


level 5 : down pick up a key then move furnace next to door and open door.


level 5-1 : set stair above the door, then down and open door.


level 6 :  up to telephone then use telephone to change location then up to door.


level 7 : up then use telephone, left then up to pick up key, use telephone to back open lock pad and then door.


level 8 : go right to use telephone, left the slide room down back to telephone, slide telephone room left then use telephone to down, slide room up pick up key then use telephone, open padlock and then door.


level 9 : slide left then up, slide room with painting right then down, use telephone then slide room up, use telephone to down then up to room with paint and slide left, down then open door.


level 10 : use red phone, then slide room down, right, use blue telephone then slide room left, down, use blue telephone again, then use red telephone, slide room with teddy and sofa left, left,  then down and open door.

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Cheats for the mansion a puzzle of rooms will be updated soon but we still thinking easiest method to share this walkthrough without using a video but only a screenshot and text, because the room position seems changed when we try in different device.

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