Icomania Answers Level 14 – 15

05.03.2020 Off By admin

help | April 27, 2013 | Answer |

Finally we can complete icomania answers for level 14 and 15, this game still very fun to play among the other icon game which inspired by this icomania. Level 14 contains 45 puzzles and level 15 contains 41 puzzles separated into character, brand, famous people, tv & movies.

brand blue circle with yellow linebrand circle and tic letters eibrand shoes with wingsbrand blue shape letter H
brand red circle with line and letter Bbrand logo kangaroobrand red infinity symbolbrand blue with letter ovo
brand red with yellow and black line

Level 14 brand

character using helmet red and greencharacter bald grey haircharacter green frogcharacter long orange hair
character man hold sword with hatcharacter brown hair with robecharacter with sword and necklacecharacter red with circle in head and beard
character green and white circle

Level 14 Character

famous people man using suit jumpfamous people man with hat and globe backgroundfamous people man using suit and tie 10 lettersfamous people magic hat and bunny
famous people apple fallfamous people old man smile red shirtfamous people blonde long hair with bikinifamous people lady in front us flag
famous people with mustache grey hairfamous people black hair black shirtfamous people old man with beardfamous people woman long hair with eye glass

Level 14 Famous people

tv & movies man kicktv & movies red soap and bubbletv & movies with letter omeltv & movies bald man using suit with face background
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tv & movies city silhouettetv & movies crown and green rectangletv & movies monster or alien facetv & movies green space ship
tv & movies thee man red tietv & movies man finger uptv & movies hand and rosetv & movies man hold rifle with car background
tv & movies blonde purple background long hairtv & movies 3 letters s in the middletv & movies with letter ore gir

TV & Movies Level 14

brand 3 letters letter a in the middlebrand contains letter arpbrand contains letters vebrand contains letters wh
brand crown in side circlebrand contains letters onibrand contains letters zaibrand red jagged circle

Brand level 15

character boy with hat and paddlecharacter long hair black shirtcharacter blue hair red backgroundcharacter red helmet purple line
character statue with beardcharacter man using brown suit and tiecharacter heart with letter scharacter  white circle with slash symbol
character  1 letter pink cheek mustache and beard

Character level 15

famous people bulbfamous people  man using black eye glassfamous people woman using veilfamous people man using royal clothes
famous people  old man using suit red tiefamous people brown hair using bow and whit suitfamous people dark skin using big earringfamous people woman frizz hair blonde
famous people old man little gray hairfamous people man purple suit and tiefamous people  old man with beard and suitfamous people  lady using crown

Famous people level 15

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tv & movies contain letters OCtv & movies  gun and wingtv & movies man using shirt with letter Stv & movies red circle with letter v
tv & movies gun and word the wirtv & movies puppet controltv & movies bowling balltv & movies  wheel or cog
tv & movies with number 24tv & movies glass cuttertv & movies tree in the middle fieldtv & movies man using purple cloth black vest and red background

icomania answers level 14 and 15 completed, please wait for the level 16 update to play more puzzles or you can try other game similar with icomania. Please share this page with your friends using facebook and twitter to support our website.