100 Rooms Walkthrough Level 29 30

19.04.2020 Off By admin

Finally i can update 100 rooms walkthrough level 29 and 30 this is the last update  level for today because we only can play this game until level 30, may be  in next few day 100 rooms developer will update this game so we can play another challenging level. solutions for level 29 is easy to find pick up all object then combine it.. wanna see full walkthrough? let’s GO.

100 rooms level 29: Pick up knife, hammer, bucket and fill with mud, pick up robe and TV. now see pic 5 above  you need to combine several object, and you will get a mud filter, put it on fish tank then pour the mud on it and you will got a clay (7)  use the molding tool  (8) put clay on it then use hammer to press you will get a face mold put it on the door (10) door open.


100 rooms level 30: Pick up matches, Coat and knife underneath. use knife to cut curtains, use matches to burn grasses. combine several object see picture 3. use curtains with hook to pulley then pick a key underneath concrete use this key to open drawers (6) pick up metal rod inside drawers, combine metal rod with the wire you will make a spring (8) go to door put the spring at the machine. door open

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