Word Cookies Espresso Answers

06.11.2013 Off By admin

This is answers for word cookies espresso packs, every player can use this solution to solve difficult level and continue play the game without adding a credits from gift card or credit card. By using this word cookies cheats you will easily complete the game but reduce the fun of playing word game, so please be wise when reading our post.

To answers word cookies game you must slide the letters to form a possible word, but please remember minimum word length is 3 letters and not all possible word is the answers but if you found many word you will earn many coins from jack jar, just claim it.


Word Cookies Espresso Level 1. age ages savage save sag saga sage sea vase gave gas Word Cookies Espresso Level 2. law lea leaf waffle ale awe flaw flew flea few elf awl weal Word Cookies Espresso Level 3. bra bar rib crib crab cab car arc air fabric far fair fib fir Word Cookies Espresso Level 4. deco demo dye code come mode ode comedy decoy dome doe coed comedy Word Cookies Espresso Level 5. saw sag swag swig was wig wigs jaw jaws gas jigsaw wag wags jag jig jigs Word Cookies Espresso Level 6. ably all ally bald baldly ball bad badly bay lab lad lady lay dab Day dally Word Cookies Espresso Level 7. fain faint fan fat fit ant anti infant inn nit tin tan fiat fin Word Cookies Espresso Level 8. try stud study sturdy duty dust dusty dry rut rust rusty ruts Word Cookies Espresso Level 9. kept pet peck poke poet pot pocket toe top opt coke cot cop cope pocket Word Cookies Espresso Level 10. fat far ate art are tar tea the eat ear era rat ret hat her father Word Cookies Espresso Level 11. nut want walnut wan ant awl aunt law lawn luna tan tun tuna walnut Word Cookies Espresso Level 12. from form former rom rome roe more err rem ore for fore foe reform Word Cookies Espresso Level 13. tin thin think thing ink kit kin king knit knight nit night gin hit hint Word Cookies Espresso Level 14. ret rye try type typer yet pretty prey pry per pet rep petty pyre Word Cookies Espresso Level 15. sue suer surf sure use user fuse fur furs ruff ruffs rue rues suffer Word Cookies Espresso Level 16. but butter bur bet tub tube true rub butt brute tuber rut rue ret utter Word Cookies Espresso Level 17. let lot lob lobe tole toe belt bet bolt bottle tot tote blot Word Cookies Espresso Level 18. roll rolls rot rots lot lots lost troll trolls slot stroll toll tolls sort Word Cookies Espresso Level 19. wet wit with wig white tie twig the hew hit get weigh whet whit Eight weight

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Word Cookies Espresso Level 20. very vie vier ivy ire five fire fry fie fiery fir rev rye rife verify