Tips Buying Refurbished Android Phones

03.06.2017 Off By admin

When we are buying some products, especially electronic things sometimes it crosses our mind whether we are buying the original or not. Starting from radio, television, speaker, and most commonly mobile phones, sometimes they can bring us to become the victim of buying refurbished products. Especially for mobile phone market the number of refurbished phones are higher, the number become more higher in the developing country where many people deceive their customer by selling a refurbished product and saying it is a brand new product. In the mobile phones industry sometimes the store owner may renew the packaging and make it as if it is a new phone when actually it is a refurbished one.


    So in order to save yourself from becoming the next victim of their fraud you better have some technical knowledge on how to differentiate the original new product with the refurbished one. Now, in this occasion  we are looking to a more narrow case, we would like to highlight about refurbished android phone. So before you are going to buy a new phone better to equipped yourself on some general knowledge on how to check if your android phone is actually refurbished. For example if you just got a phone from a phone insurance company you may wonder whether you are carrying the new one or a refurbished.

    Luckily, there are several ways for you to do some checking on refurbished android phones. And now in this occasion we would like to highlight one of the simplest method to check refurbished android phones that you can do by yourself. First you need to install ADW Launcher or Launcher Pro, it allows you to create shortcuts to Activities. Then press and hold on your home screen, select Shortcut, Activity.  Create shortcut to RTN activity and select “View” activity. Launch RTN from shortcut, look the “Reconditioned Status” entry in the list. If the list say “Yes” then you can be sure that it is actually a refurbished. Good luck !

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