Think it Answers Level 1 – 20

20.07.2017 Off By admin

I just try a new game named think it and solve level 1 to 20 it’s simple and easy game for android user, think it only use small space in our device, less than 7MB for a guessing game with more than 100 level is pretty good size right?. I didn’t found any glitch or bug in the game but if something happen and makes the game stop you can try to restart game, sometimes it could fix the error. This challenging game can be downloaded free from google play store from this link


Level 1 Category HABIT FARTLevel 2 Category SICK STOMACHACHELevel 3 Category SICK HEART-ATTACKLevel 4 Category SICK HEADACHELevel 5 Category SICK BACKACHELevel 6 Category SICK TOOTHACHELevel 7 Category CEREMONIAL BRIDELevel 8 Category CEREMONIAL KISSINGLevel 9 Category SPORT SKATEBOARDINGLevel 10 Category SPORT ROLLERBLADINGLevel 11 Category SPORT BMXLevel 12 Category SPORT CLIMBERLevel 13 Category SPORT SKILevel 14 Category SPORT BUNGEELevel 15 Category SPORT WINGSUITINGLevel 16 Category SPORT GLIDINGLevel 17 Category PEOPLE FRIENDSLevel 18 Category PEOPLE PICKABACKLevel 19 Category PEOPLE TOAST


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