Enigmon 2 Solution Level 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

09.02.2015 Off By admin

Enigmon 2 still interesting to play and we already complete this game to level 20, if you stuck with this game and cannot continue to next level see our walktrough below and then you will get all the clue or the enigm0n 2 answer. but if doesn’t have in your device you can download enigmon 2 this  game available at the apple store there is several version of enigmon try the free version first before decide to buy full version.


Level 11: set letters “GRAAL”


Level 12: Tap the pliers start from 1 to 8


Level 13: connect line follow preview above


Level 14: The answer mellon


Level 15: tap circle match color with preview above


Level 16: tap 2U then tap OK turn phone upside down tap 4R then OK, turn to normal position tap 2R then OK, turn phone upside down then turn it normal tap 3R and OK, tap 3U then OK, tap 2R then OK.


Level 17: tap letter see preview above


Level 18: left CLI right CMXL slide down right handle slide down left handle


Level 19: Change date to 13 September 2030


Level 20: the symbol inside circle is the clue, match it and tap one by one until all changed to yellow

That’s it solutions for enigmon 2 level 11 to 20, if you have another solution or tricks to complete this level you can share with others using comment form below.

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