Clue Pics – Guess the Saying Answers Level 141 – 160
We still continue creating clue pics guess the saying answers for level 141 to 160 and we hope more than 200 level will be posted here to help player solve difficult puzzles. This game already reach 100.000 download until today and will be raising every hour, you can promote this game using your blog or…
Guess the Brand Logo Answers Level 1 2
Guess the brand logo answers level 1 & 2, each level contains 10 and 15 stage. This game available at itunes store for free, just like other guessing brand game you must answers the brand show in the screen, only one credit available to reveal 1 letter, that’s too little to help us when have…
Little Riddles Answers Level 101 – 200
Finally we can create little riddles answers for level 101 to 200, this game different from other word game which use picture or icons as the clue this in this game you must answers a question that appear every level not like ordinary quiz this game question is unique. This game have built in clue…
4 Pics 1 Song Answers Level 3 4 5
Still addicted with 4 pics 1 song games here it is the answers for level 3 4 and 5 we found that some stages is not easy to solve so we create the cheats for 4 pics 1 song game use this cheats only when you stuck at difficult level so after use this solutions…
Guess The Millennium Answers Level 11 – 12
This is our promises we will help you solve guess the millennium game using our cheats and now we reach level 11 and 12, not to difficult like the previous version guess the 90s, this game little bit easier because all picture used in guess the millennium still a new and we can easily remember…
What’s This Icon’s Name Free Answers Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
We just complete a new game in iphone now want to share what’s this icons name answers for level 1 to 20 this game very easy at the beginning but getting harder and harder when we reach level 20 and up. With this solutions we hope you can save your credit and use only when…
The New 4 Pic 1 Word Answers
Do you find the new 4 pic 1 word answers? this is it we just complete all level in this game so if you stuck at some level and cannot solve it you can use our answers below to solve all difficult question. The differences between original 4 pics 1 word is you can choose…
Math Academy Cheats
Solutions for match academy game for the first 47 packs. This is not the first cheats for the math academy but I hope this is the easiest cheats to use because if you use a video answers then you must have a good internet connection because video streaming need a fast internet and lot of…
Icon Pop Song Guitar Answers Level 1 to 40
We just try a new game named icon pop song guitar, how to play icon pop song guitar is simple just listen the melody then guess the song title or the artist, just like other icon pop song which created by alegrium in this game you can use credit to reveal a letter and remove…
Guess the Celeb Answers TV, Science, Business, Leaders
Finally we complete guess the celeb answers for the tv science business and leaders level, when playing this game we realize that lot famous people that we don’t know their name, may be we can recognize the face but what about their name? fortunately Google help us to solve this game. Now we want to…