April 16 17 2015 7 Little Words Daily Puzzle

09.11.2015 Off By admin

Answers for 7 little words daily puzzle April 16 and 17 for this question: detail-skippingly simple, adds more film to, one of the Kardashians, hangs around, mascara place, conversations, Internet award, arrow maker, owner, changes completely, likely choices, cutting in two, flowering plant, pasta ribbons. . 7 little words is addicting word game, but not easy to solve the puzzle so I create this cheats to help other player solve the game before they give up, with the difficult question. This game not only for android but iphone and ipad user can also play 7 little words in their device. So if you stuck in this game just find the answers at our result below.

April 16 7 little words daily puzzle.


detail-skippingly simple 9 letters : REDUCTIVE adds more film to 7 letters : RELOADS one of the Kardashians 8 letters : KOURTNEY hangs around 7 letters : LINGERS mascara place 4 letters : LASH conversations 11 letters DISCUSSIONS

Internet award 5 letters : WEBBY

April 17 7 little words daily puzzle.


arrow maker 8 letters : FLETCHER owner 9 letters : POSSESSOR changes completely 10 letters : TRANSFORMS likely choices 9 letters : PROBABLES cutting in two 9 letters : BISECTION flowering plant 7 letters : BLOOMER

pasta ribbons 9 letters : FETTUCINE

People looking for:

  • detail skippingly simple
  • pasta ribbons 7 little words
  • pasta ribbons 7 words
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