100 Escapers Walkthrough Level 7 and 8

18.01.2019 Off By admin

Solution for 100 Escapers level 7 and 8, to get all object on this level is not easy and sometimes we need a clue from other player and after we complete this level we create this walkthrough to help you complete this game.


Level 7:

1. Tap the box pick up battery inside it 2. go to table see the wrong chess board b7 c2 f4 then pick up metal under the sofa

3. there is panel above the chair put the code b7 c2 f4 tap square button put the battery inside then tap up button 4. go to first box where you pick up battery right the box there is lock molds put the metal on it (picture 7) back to the panel tap down button then tap up button and go back to the lock molds to pick a key, use this key to open doors.


Level 8:

1. tap refrigerator pick up plastic bag and hammer below cooker hob 2. go to table pick up salt and pliers in the drawer

3. go to bookshelf pick up book at the bottom right there is code 386439
4. combine salt with the book then use hammer with the result paper will burn

5. use the burn paper on the cookery hob then put plastic bag too 6. tap backward then forward 1 time you will see open part use pliers to remove it 7. connect  the cable with pliers.

8. go to door tap keypad security code is 386439

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  • 100 escapers level 7
  • 100 escapers cheats level 7
  • 100 escapers level7
  • 100 escapes cheat level 7
  • 100escapers level 8
  • escapers 100 7
  • soluce 100 escapers level 7
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