Guess That Sketch Answers and Cheats Level 1 – 40

13.03.2020 Off By admin

We just wondering if there’s a new draw guessing game for android, and few hour a go our reader inform about this guess that sketch game, this game created with good design and layout it’s more than paid game that we ever try at our android device, we though this game not difficult to answers but that’s wrong this game little bit difficult we use our credit several times to reveal the answers and if you cannot solve this game use our solutions below as a cheats.

music : psymovie : avatarfamous people : tiger woodscharacter : borat
movie : matrixfamous people : paris hiltonmovie : forrest gumpmusic : eminem
music : spice girlscharacter : boba fettfamous people : neil armstrongcharacter : batman
movie : terminatormusic : justin biebercharacter : sherlock holmesmusic : bono
music : rihannacharacter : hermionefamous people : usain boltmusic : michael jackson
famous people : khadaffimovie : bambitv series : lostfamous people : kate winslet
music : gene simmonsmovie : braveheartmusic : beatlesfamous people : nicole kidman
character : robocopfamous people : kim jong unmusic : john lennonmusic : lady gaga
movie : lincolnmusic : elvistv series : star trekcharacter : buffy
tv show : mr beancharacter : super mariofamous people : simon cowelcharacter : agent smith

Guess the sketch have 6 category : famous people, movie, music, fictional character, tv series, tv show, the easiest category is fictional character and the hardest is famous people but that’s just our opinion because we just play 40 level in this game may be next level all category become difficult to solve and we must buy a credit to reveal the answers, that’s okay as long we can serve a fresh cheats for visitor.

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  • guess that sketch solution
  • guess that sketch answers