Escape Action Level 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

22.09.2015 Off By admin

Finally we can complete escape action level 81 to 90, and if you just update this game you can use our walkthrough below to win all level in this update and we hope you can try it first before using cheats because sometimes we can solve a level accidentally. You can try to tap everything that possible to be the clue or key but if everything already done but still  cannot solve the game below is the cheats for escape action.

level 81. shake your phone until cloth falling, then put cloth at the right painting then tap, pick up wrench behind painting then use to open 4 bolt, now rotate 18 to 81.

level 82. tap rhino 3 times to set stairs, then tap bird, snake, kangaroo, elephant

level 83. tap left button to see the key sequence : 146253, but you must play it reverse tap key 352641.

level 84. pick up pliers at the cabinet then use it to cut chain, set the cross color to green, pick up sponge after cross gone, put sponge into bucket, pick up key and use to open treasure box then tap the button.

level 85. tap and hold fire to make it disappear, put your android on a table then prepare your finger above fire.

level 86. set volume down then pick up knife behind rhino, use knife to cut leaves, pick up sponge then use it to empty right bucket now slide rose and jewelry to left bucket , shoes and hat to right bucket

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level 87. slide rope down twice then pick up key, use key to open cabinet, pick up matches, then use it to burn cabinet now tilt phone to make ball hit green button 6 times and purple button 8 times.

level 88. shake phone until knife fall, use knife to cut leaves then insert red ball to right hole, purple at left hole and light blue at top ( looks like triangle)

level 89. tap green button 3 times to make red brick fall, then arrange the bricks into the maps ( see preview)

level 90. fill letter “P” with your finger, but do not touch the flower do it quickly.  ( use our cheats to get unlimited credit so you can stop time ).

Action escape cheats already reach 90 level, may be this game only available in 100 level but still hope that developer will create more than 100 because this is the most challenging game that we play in 2014 and still lot player want to try complete every level in this game.

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