Emoji Pop Level 6 – 7 Android and iOS

15.07.2016 Off By admin

Emoji pop still be our favorite game in this week, we just complete level 6 and 7 several hour a go, now we post it here to share the answers with other player which can’t solve a level or stuck in this game. Emoji pop level 6 and 7 have 40 stage so we sure you will  satisfied when playing this game each stage is very challenging so don’t stop playing this game.

Answers Level 6

fire and chick : hot chickplane and explosion : plane crashChristmas tree and note :  Christmas carolsthumb and forefinger : good pint
man and skull : walking deadnight and horse : dark horseghost and book : ghost storyice flakes and track : cold feet
scare face and clapper : scary moviecar plug and battery : teslaearth and worm : earth wormeye and phone : iphone
cake and note : birthday songgirl raise hand and cat : hello kittyuk flag and plane : British airwaysmonkey and tongue : blind tasting
reverse sign and clock : around clockmilk bottle and bomb : sake bombrain and sun : rain shinepacifier and chocolate : milk chocolate
apple and wine : appletinirocket and microscope : rocket sciencerainbow and mic : over the rainbowsmiley and doctor : dentist
tumbler and gresscow and man : cowboymute and lamb : silence of the lambsscare face and wave : shockwave
gun and star : shooting star3 snake and plane : snakes on the planesjuice and sunset : tequila sunrisecat and fist : cat fight
love and note : love songscigarette and leaf : marijuanasunshine and pigeon : early birdman muscle and capsule : viagra
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pin nail and injection : pins and needlesball and shoes : tennis shoesalien phone and home : E T phone homehome candy and home : home sweet home

Answers Level 7

cake and party : birthday partyanchor and moon : sailor moonpumpkin and a piece cake : pumpkin piebunny and omelet : Easter egg
rainbow and paint pallets : rainbow colorhat luck leaf and ball : notre damegrape and angry face : grapes of wrathgrandpa and grandma : grand parents
plus plus minus minus : pros consearth and cup : earth championhand and horse : hold your horsesfire evil and shake hand : hell no
doctor and evil : dr evilcross cross and beer : dos equiscity and angels : city of angels100 and twist : perfect storm
us flag and rocket : nasacross and file : x filesItaly flag car and smoke : ferrarikiss and skull : kiss of death
girl and cheetah : cougarman walking tub and shower : walk in showercorn and bread : cornbreadcat tub and hat : dr seuss
basket ball 23 : Michael Jordanarrow up side down : upside downscissor and double arrow : cuts both waysstar and eye : star gaze
leopard tiger lamb and earth : animal planetchicken and running : chicken runzzz and princess : sleeping beautyman speak cross hand : rejected
bow and right arrow : bow and arrowsbk building and us flag : bank of Americacigarette and alarm : smoke alarmFrance flag and crocodile : lacoste
lemon and sad face : lemon sourviolin trumpet and saxophone : orchestra0 tent 3 0 : zero dark thirty2 diamonds : diamonds

Congrats you just complete emoji pop level 6 and 7, still want more solutions? please use search form to see other level that already completed.

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