94% Answers Level 181 182 183 184 185

25.12.2018 Off By admin

help | February 14, 2016 | 94% Answers |

A new update for 94% game for level 181 182 183 184 185 with this question : A difficult stain to remove, Reasons people honk car horns, Bungee jumping picture, Something people like to do when it rains, Something detectives look for at a crime scene, Tepee Native American tent, Something that happens a lot on soap operas, Things that smell good, but taste bad, Anteater picture, Celebrity with a mustache, Something people might share on a date, Boomerang picture, something of which you wish you had more, An instrument you don’t picture a child playing, Picture boy standing on a beach. Now I want to share the cheats and answers, This game available for android and iOS and this post created for gamer who play using android, because I know that the 94% for iOS now have 185 level and some question are similar with the android version but the level completely different so if you use this 94% game answers for the iPhone and ipad then you must find the solutions by it’s question, still useful for both device.


A difficult stain to remove : Wine, Blood, Oil, Grass, Ink, Ketchup, Mud, Juice, Chocolate, Coffee Reasons people honk car horns : Traffic, Say hello, Slow drivers, Cut off, Accident, Warning, Pedestrians, Animals Bungee jumping picture : Bungee jump, Water, Trees, Fall, Scary, Cord Something people like to do when it rains: Watch movies, Sleep, Stay inside, Splash, Read, Dance, Sing Something detectives look for at a crime scene : Fingerprint, Blood, Weapon, Hair, Footprint, Body, Suspect, Witness Tepee Native American tent: Tepee, Mountain, Native American, Sticks, Forest Something that happens a lot on soap operas: Death, Cheating, Crying, Fighting, Kissing, Divorce, Marriage, Lying, Pregnancy Things that smell good, but taste bad : Perfume, Flowers, Soap, Candles, Shampoo, Lemon, Vanilla extract Anteater picture : Anteater, Dirt, Snout, Fur Celebrity with a mustache : Johnny Depp, Tom Selleck, Brad Pitt, Charlie Chaplin, Steve Harvey, Burt Reynolds Something people might share on a date: Food, Kiss, Drink, Bill, Stories, Car, Popcorn Boomerang picture : Beach, Boomerang, Australia, Hand, Kangaroo something of which you wish you had more : Money, Time, Friends, Food, Love, Clothes, Sleep, Happiness An instrument you don’t picture a child playing: Tuba, Harp, Cello, Guitar, Drums, Bass, Saxophone, Violin

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Picture boy standing on a beach : Boy, Quicksand, Beach, Sink