Guess the VIP Answers

01.06.2014 Off By admin

Guess the vip answers for the actors category, there’s 90 picture to play on this category but we only solve the first level and wait for the other player which can guess all the actors name, but we have tricks if you want to solve it by your own. first capture the picture then open then click small camera at the search form upload the captured picture and wait google recognize the actors.


efron eastwood damon kutcher


aniston culkin fishburne moore


black nolan baldwin lawrence


ryan lee tucci bridges


butler bacon ford whitaker


goldberg portman stiller jackman


meester kilmer sandler fey


walker hardy guess the vip is fun game for movie lover, but for other this game become a difficult and unsolvable so above cheats can help you guess the actors name without using a credits point.

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