Guess the Brand Logo Answers Level 1 2
Guess the brand logo answers level 1 & 2, each level contains 10 and 15 stage. This game available at itunes store for free, just like other guessing brand game you must answers the brand show in the screen, only one credit available to reveal 1 letter, that’s too little to help us when have no idea with the picture. But you can use our solution below to complete this game. A little glitch in this game: & become N, same? i don’t think so.
Level 1
1 : SPRITE | 2 : PHILIPS | 3 : PFIZER | 4 : GILLETTE |
5 : CATERPILLAR | 6 : GAP | 7 : COLGATE | 8 : HNM |
9 : AVON | 10 : TELENOR |
Level 2
5 : VISA | 6 : CLARO | 7 : PNG | 8 : MNM |
9 : XBOX | 10 : YOUTUBE | 11 : WINDOWS | 12 : PAMPERS |
13 : COACH | 14 : FACEBOOK | 15 : DURACELL |
This guess the brand cheats too easy right, but wait until you play level 3 4 and 5 those level more difficult than this, but that’s the trivia game type easy at beginning then getting harder and harder, with no credit available to reveal a letter or remove letters this game is very challenging to us.