Zombies On A Plane Walkthrough Level 1 2 3 4

19.12.2013 Off By admin

Zombies on a plane walkthrough level 1 2 3 4,  this new puzzle game available at Google play market few days a go and I just complete the game today, when play this game sometimes you can’t tap an object if your view isn’t right so try different view if you can’t move to the right position. Zombies on a plane only have 4 level to play and I hope you can solve this game without using this walkthrough.


Level 1

1. pick up cutter2. use cutter to open box and pick up fishing rod3. use fishing rod to pick up key under the bag4. open locker using key, pick up stick5. insert stick into top hole to push roll paper ( see clue & match with cards at locker)6. open safe using code 1058775, pick up card and screwdriver7. use screwdriver to open, then use fishing rod to pick up fuse8. open panel using screwdriver, then put fuse9. use cars to open door10. pick up key from zombie

11. open box pick up rifle, then shoot the zombie


Level 2

1. tap 4th seat, tap window above bottle, slide window to see clue 1094, tap box above seat, open using code 1094, pick up knife2. tap 2nd seat pick up pliers, use knife to cut seat belt3. pick up butt, use knife to make hole on seat, use pliers to pick up wire, tap window then use butt to get a clue4. tap air conditioner, change slider same with clue to get a key5. use key to open compartments, tap book see clue and number 03366. tap 2nd seat, open box using code 0336, pick up magnet, combine magnet and seat belt7. open compartments using clue from book, pick up handgun8. use knife to cut carpet, use wire to open secret compartment, use seatbelt and magnet to pick up bullet, combine bullet and handgun

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9. open curtain, then shot zombie


Level 3

1. pick up axe2. use axe to hit zombie, pick up charger, card and tissue.3. tap 2nd seat, tap window, pick up tape at the picture, pick up cup at the seat4. see clue at the information panel  AI : 2203915. back to the notebook, and insert user : AIRPLANE, pass 220391 see clue 55916. open box using code 5591, pick up screwdriver and matches7. use screwdriver to open panel then put tape at wire, use matches, use screwdriver to kill zombie, turn on the light8. pick up axe9. open toilet / WC, use axe to kill zombie, then see it’s name tag 452210. open round container at 2nd seat using code 4522, pick up handle11. back to the toilet, put the handle at sink then put cup at sink, tap handle to fill cup with water12. tap dispenser, put cup at the dispenser, pick up cup

13. put cup at the sink, see clue 23071990, go to door then use card and insert code 23071990


Level 4

1. pick up spoon2. use spoon to open locker, pick up knife3. pick up key at zombie, then use knife to kill it.4. change the frog position. ABC DEF tap frog : D C B D E F C B A D E F B A E, pick up screwdriver and clue5. pick up ruler6. use screwdriver to open panel then pick up battery7. tap the radio at bottom right, insert battery, then use clue move channel to 80-20-100-40-60, got another clue 4856218. use clue 485621 to open safe, pick up map and statue9. put statue, then arrange from tall to short (left to right), pick up key and headphone10. use key to open globe, pick up compass11. tap right seat, tap above zombie, put map, put ruler, put compass got a clue 7854

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12. insert number 7854, plug headphone, then use key.

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