Straight Talk Android Phones

12.02.2017 Off By admin

The growing battle between smartphones, especially the ongoing competition and fierce battle between Samsung and Apple make everyone turning their heads to see the competition in smartphones markets. Especially for some companies and mobile phone operators it is important for them to take part in the competition and see if they can bandwagon in the growing popularity of smartphone. Bandwagon does not exactly mean a bad thing, because in fact, you need it to survive in the business industry. It is also the same case with straight talk, we still remember when it was announced back in August last year that Straight Talk going to launch their first Straight Talk android phones that is Samsung Galaxy Precedent.

This prepaid operator try to enter the market by offering a low cost product, using low pricing strategy on their priduct to penetrate into the market. And the price really come with an affordable pricing, they offer $150 for the phones, and if we compare the prices with two big name in the industry like Samsung Galaxy S or iPhones, sure samsung galaxy precedent come with a really affordable price and make the options in choosing smartphones to be wider than before. And because the price is very much lower than Galaxy S and iPhones of course the standard will also be lower than these two. But do not worry because for Samsung Galaxy precendent they still offer you a mid-level standard of android device.

With 2 megapixels camera, 800MHz processor, 3.2 inch screen, 384 MB RAM, and coming at $150 which is really affordable, this first straight talk android phones sure can be a pretty decent android devices that you can choose. And it is not the only good thing, because you can pay for $150 and you do not have to worry about any contract because this phone come with no contract. Straight talk also provide Smart Talk’s unlimited plan for only $45, and you can get unlimited everything plan including data for your phone only for $45 per month. Sounds good right ?

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