Doors and Rooms Chapter 4 Walkthrough

08.05.2018 Off By admin

help | November 28, 2012 | Walkthrough |

Doors and Rooms chapter 4 this game available for android and iOS platform, we already try with android using our galaxy mini and now we try to play this game for chapter 4 using ipod, with ipod this game have better performance and much more detail in small object as you know ipod have a better screen display and processor than our galaxy mini. We already complete this chapter until stage 4-5,  and below is the solution for stage 4-1 to 4-5.

Stage 4-1: see clue on the wall 15 24 33 42 51 this mean tap at: row 1 column 5, row 2 column 4, row 3 column 3, row 4 column 2, row 5 column 1

Stage 4-2:tap skeleton to pick skull, pick up hammer and combine with skull to make a powder use powder on the left wall, you will see the clue, now tap the


Stage 4-3: pick up gear wheel on the floor, pick up 2 gear wheel and paper on the skeleton, pick up hammer and pipe, tap human and pickup red gear wheel. combine pipe and hammer use it to release black gear above to make it fall then pick up black gear wheel. tap panel on the wall put red gear wheel on the left, and black gear wheel on the right, combine blue gear wheel and gold gear wheel then put between red and black gear wheel, done tap door.


Stage 4-4: tap each button on the wall you will see 1000, 0101,0011, 0010 you only need 3 combination because if you tap all button game over, sum 8421+ 0101 +0010+ 0011 = 8543 use this code to open secret door.

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Stage 4-5: pick up bottle, wrench, matches, and teddy bear. dismantle teddy bear into several pieces dismantle again bear body and foot, you will get cotton and diamond, combine cotton and bottle. use wrench on the pipe then put cotton on it do it quick. now light up the candle on the table and put pipe on the candle, put diamond above pipe now you can see number above. 389465 now you must set abacus with this number, see preview above if confuse.


Stage 4-6: slide white dot on the bottom right to left see preview above, then tap it until you get lighter, now use lighter to light up candle on the left see preview above. pick up pliers on the floor and paper on the typewriter. pick up all bottle on the shelf, now put the bottle in the circle front mummy start from: red, yellow, green, blue, purple. tap mummy use pliers to cut stitch at the mummy mouth when it open pick up all button inside mouth, now you know the missing letter in the paper is E and L and the word is HELP, now find the number on the letter  HELP, a=1 b=2 ….  e=5 h=8 l=12 p =16 so the answer is  851216 use this to open door lock.


Stage 4-7: pick up shovel at corner use it to dig 4 grave and pick up 4 cross, put all cross on the table match with the mark, now you have clock and this is the clue, see skeleton on the grave each skeletons form is match with the number on the cross 11:40, 03:45, 12:35, 02:30. now see skeletons on the door that left skeletons point to 12:20  and right 01:45 there minus between 1220-0145 = 1035 use this code to open key.

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Stage 4-8: pick up pen on the table and screwdriver in the drawer, dismantle pen then combine it with screwdriver, now use screwdriver to open electrical box on the wall, tap handle to make it off, now pick up key on the floor and use it to open box beside table, pick up tape and note inside the box. use the tape to wrap cord then turn handle on. now open your inventory see the note there is clue to find code. red circle = 15 (see calendar on the wall) RRUL : right right up left = 9, DLLD : down left left down = 27, UURR : up up right right  = 3, the code is 9273.


Stage 4-9: tap painting start from wall with letter N = north count the diamond on necklace:  north 7, south 4, east 5, west 9. pick up paper at skeleton see “new sense”  n = 7, e =5, s = 4, w  = 9. new sense = 75945745 use this code to disable bomb.


Stage 4-10:  tilt your phone right, the roman xxiv (24) on the top now imagine this is a clock and the short light is hour hand so it will be 8:15, tap the circle beside door tap left 8 times, middle 1 times, right 5 times.