Crossword Quiz Winter Answers

08.03.2015 Off By admin

help | April 26, 2016 | Answer |

Answers crossword quiz game for the Winter category level 1 – 10, the most challenging crossword game in this week for android and iphone. This game built by random logic game a famous game developer for mobile device which also create guess the emoji game. Cheats for crossword quiz winter answers created by our team to help other player continue play the game when they’re stuck.

Crossword quiz Winter level 1 number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: A sleeveless piece of clothing you wear on top of a shirt, Answers: VEST number: 2 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: CLOUDS number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: CHAMPAGNE number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: SOUP number: 4 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A long accessory often worn around the neck, Answers: SCARF number: 5 orientation: DOWN Hints: To predict the future weather, Answers: FORECAST number: 6 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A water repellent hooded jacket, Answers: PARKA number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: Was born of a virgin, Answers: JESUS number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: They help Santa make gifts, Answers: ELVES number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: If you’re bad you get this in your stocking, Answers: COAL number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: The jolly man that brings you gifts, Answers: SANTA

number: 11 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: TOYS

Crossword quiz Winter level 2 number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: They keep your hands warm in the winter, Answers: GLOVES number: 2 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: COLD number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: A spice often used in holiday food, Answers: CINNAMON number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: When night falls, Answers: DARK number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: IGLOO number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: You can’t catch me I’m the _______ bread man!””, Answers: GINGER number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: Achoo!, Answers: SNEEZE number: 7 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: SNOWMAN number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: LOG number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: The season of the holidays, Answers: WINTER number: 10 orientation: DOWN Hints: Frozen water, Answers: ICE

number: 11 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: GAMES

Crossword quiz Winter level 3 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: To tremble when it is cold, Answers: SHIVER number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: A light vehicle that is usually horse drawn, Answers: SLEIGH number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: COFFEE number: 3 orientation: ACROSS Hints: When ice freezes into a long frozen spike, Answers: ICICLE number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: Of extreme force, degree, or strength, Answers: INTENSE number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A cloud like mass of water droplets near the Earth, Answers: FOG number: 6 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: HOT TUB number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: An instrument that rings and chimes, Answers: BELLS number: 8 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: FLANNEL number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: You’ll be out of luck if you don’t get this shot in the winter, Answers: FLU

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number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A spice often used in holiday dishes, Answers: NUTMEG

Crossword quiz Winter level 4 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Many people put them on their house during the holidays, Answers: LIGHTS number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: O’____ Night, Answers: HOLY number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: When snow starts to melt, Answers: SLUSH number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: Used to help keep the fire going, Answers: FIREWOOD number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: MALL number: 5 orientation: DOWN Hints: An arrangement of notes and lyrics, Answers: MUSIC number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: RIBBON number: 7 orientation: ACROSS Hints: When something becomes warm enough to melt, Answers: THAW number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: A glittering yarn used for decoration, Answers: TINSEL number: 8 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: CABIN number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A platform mounted on runners used for traveling over snow, Answers: SLED

number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A sweet scent popular among candles, Answers: VANILLA

Crossword quiz Winter level 5 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: FEAST number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: Coat of wool that covers a sheep, Answers: FLEECE number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: A tool used to help clear away snow, Answers: SHOVEL number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: One of several items of clothing worn on top of another, Answers: LAYER number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: You might find your plants like this if you leave them out in the winter, Answers: DEAD number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Not having any companions, Answers: LONELY number: 6 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: CALENDAR number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: A hooded pullover jacket, Answers: ANORAK number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: When ice starts to turn back into water, Answers: MELT number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A warm material that comes from lambs, Answers: WOOL number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: FUEL

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number: 11 orientation: ACROSS Hints: The man behind the story of Santa Claus, Answers: ST NICK

Crossword quiz Winter level 6 number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: Rain when it freezes, Answers: SLEET number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: COAT number: 3 orientation: ACROSS Hints: When your favorite merchandise is marked down, Answers: SALES number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: Long wooden board used to glide over snow, Answers: SNOWBOARD number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: The phenomena of the physical world collectively, plants, animals, people etc., Answers: NATURE number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: When grey clouds cover most of the sky, Answers: OVERCAST number: 6 orientation: ACROSS Hints: When you have something in your throat you usually want to…, Answers: COUGH number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: A sensation of cold, Answers: CHILL number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: HAT number: 8 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Relating to high mountains such as the European mountain range, Answers: ALPINE

number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: DAYLIGHT

Crossword quiz Winter level 7 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Relating to the North Pole, Answers: ARCTIC number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: TRAVEL number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: A clear mineral resembling ice, Answers: CRYSTAL number: 4 orientation: ACROSS Hints: The month of love, Answers: FEBRUARY number: 5 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: BLACK ICE number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: Thick covering of ice on an area, Answers: ICE CAP number: 7 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: ADVENT number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: When a part of your body has nothing covering it, Answers: BARE number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: The average weather conditions of a given area, Answers: CLIMATE

number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: What you put under the tree, Answers: PRESENTS

Crossword quiz Winter level 8 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A group of people who love spending time together, Answers: FRIENDS number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: INDOORS number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: Main kitchen appliance, Answers: STOVE number: 4 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Heating device that uses pipes and steam, Answers: RADIATOR number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: REINDEER number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Far away from other places, buildings or people; remote, Answers: ISOLATED number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: Main protein on Thanksgiving, Answers: TURKEY number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: White birds that represent peace, Answers: DOVES number: 8 orientation: ACROSS Hints: One of Santa’s reindeer, Answers: DASHER number: 9 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: HAIL

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number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: What you use to roast marshmallows, Answers: FIRE

Crossword quiz Winter level 9 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: One of the four periods of the year, Answers: SEASON number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: This is often put on top of trees during the winter season, Answers: STAR number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: When you are so cold you lose feeling, Answers: NUMB number: 3 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Fluffy white frozen water vapor, Answers: SNOW number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: SHOPPING number: 4 orientation: DOWN Hints: The fermented juice of grapes, Answers: WINE number: 5 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A tiny tree often used as incense and perfume, Answers: MYRRH number: 6 orientation: DOWN Hints: Green leaves with red berries, Answers: HOLLY number: 7 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Cinnamon and nutmeg are examples, Answers: SPICE number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: CARDS number: 9 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: GLACIER

number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Strong blast of wind, Answers: GUST

Crossword quiz Winter level 10 number: 1 orientation: ACROSS Hints: A ball of snow pressed or rolled together, Answers: SNOWBALL number: 1 orientation: DOWN Hints: Cotton covers for your feet , Answers: SOCKS number: 2 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: BOOTS number: 3 orientation: DOWN Hints: A winter cottage used as a temporary residence, Answers: LODGE number: 4 orientation: ACROSS Hints: Wrapped up really tight in your blanket, Answers: COCOON number: 5 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: COOKIES number: 6 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: SNOW SHOE number: 7 orientation: DOWN Hints: picture Answers: HOT TEA number: 8 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: SPIRIT number: 8 orientation: DOWN Hints: Pointed & turned up at the front, long, narrow, hard flexible material used in the snow, Answers: SKIS number: 9 orientation: DOWN Hints: The cold winter ____ will make you want to grab a jacket!, Answers: WIND

number: 10 orientation: ACROSS Hints: picture Answers: BEARD