94 Percent Game Answers Level 36 37 38 39 40

05.07.2018 Off By admin

My android just got a new hot game and now I want to share the 94% game cheats and answers, This game available for android and iOS and this post created for gamer who play using android, because I know that the 94% for iOS only have 30 level and some question are similar with the android version but the level completely different so if you use this 94% game answers for the iphone and ipad then you must find the solutions by it’s question, still useful for both device.

Cheats 94% level 36 37 38 39 40


36. something you use every day: Toilet Car Clothes Water Bed Brush Hair Brush Computerwind instruments: Flute Clarinet Trumpet Saxophone Oboe Trombone Tuba Harmonica

factory picture: Factory Fire Pollution Industrial Power plant Oil


37. something used for cooking: Pan Oven Pot Spoon Spatula stove Knife Bowljewelry: necklace Ring Bracelet Earrings Diamond Watch

bulls and land rover picture: Animals Safari Car Africa Bull Herd


38. you can’t buy it: Love Happiness Health Friendship Family Timespecies of fish:  Salmon Bass Trout Clown Catfish Tuna Goldfish Cod Shark Flounder

kids with binoculars: Safari Binoculars Children Exploring Africa Bird watching


39. poker: Cards Money Gambling Chips Aces Face Game Bluff Tableit’s good for you, but you don’t like it: Vegetables Exercise Water Fruit Medicine Work

beehive bee picture: Honey Bee Hive Honeycomb


40. you eat with bread: Butter jam Soup Cheese Peanut-butter Meatsomething you do while on the phone: Talk Text Games Facebook Walk Eat Music

japan house & lake picture: Asia Peace Beautiful Water Temple

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People looking for:

  • something you use everyday
  • 94 walkthrough
  • answers of 94% game
  • species of fish 94 percent
  • something used for cooking
  • something used for cooking 94%
  • 94% something used for cooking
  • species of fish 94%
  • 94 percent something you use everyday
  • something you use everyday 94 percent