100 Escapers Walkthrough Level 5 and 6

08.09.2014 Off By admin

100 escapers is exciting puzzle game to solve and we already finish several level and we want to share the result with you because this is not an easy game to play, so we think it’s good to create a 100 escapers walkthrough.


Level 5: 1. pick up hose and sledge hammer on the wall (picture 1) 2. pick up drill below fish tank 3. pick up paper on the wall ( picture 3 ) 4. pick up scissor at the window ( picture 4) 5. pick up board on the table ( picture 5 ) 6. now combine paper + scissor + board + drill put the result below the window

7. go to wall with peeled paint so you can see brick, hit the brick with sledge hammer then use the hose to connect pipe, tap door it will open.


Level 6: 1. 1. pick up iron rod at bottom right the door 2. go to cabinets tap the left cabinet pick up lime juicer then tap right cabinets pickup hammer ( picture 2) 3. go to window tap lemon tree and heater on the bottom right pick up gum and bowl 4. go to desk pick up vase, tap music box bottom right the desk set the button see picture 9 the hit with hammer from 1 to 5 you will get a pipe 5. now combine bowl + lemon juicer + lemons = bowl of lemons 6. combine vase + pipe + iron rod + bowl of lemons + gum then put the result at the hole near the door

7. door open you win

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  • 100 escaper level 6
  • solution 100 escapers level 6
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