100 Doors Underground Walkthrough Stage 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

22.07.2016 Off By admin

This is new update 100 doors underground walkthrough, if you like to play doors&room then you will love this game, 100 doors un created with good graphic and sound effect this game play smooth on our galaxy tab 2, we hope this game can be played well on your android device and if you need guide or solution for this game we provide below.


Stage 11: match square color with the fruit color and above is the answer, pick up key above left fruits and use it to open door.


Stage 12: slide 1st door to right with 2 finger, slide 2nd door left with 2 finger, slide last door up with 2 finger.


Stage 13: this answer is the missing line at number on the wall 5271.


Stage 14: pick up sword and use it to cut curtain ring, pick up key and use it to open.


Stage 15: change color by tapping animal meat eaters animals (carnivores): red and herbivorous: green.


Stage 16: change animal color spawning: white and birth: yellow then pick up key beside egg and use it.


Stage 17: slide horseshoe according to arrow direction.


Stage 18: change the picture to plant, bug, bird, fox, wolf and man, pick up key above door and use it open door.


Stage 19: pick up knife below the lights then use it to cut balloon string, slide right board with nail with two finger until balloon explode then pick up key and open door.


Stage 20: pick up champagne, then shake your phone to make it bursting then pick up key and use to open door.

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thanks for using our 100 doors underground walkthrough, if you need solution for other level please bookmark this website, we will update new walkthrough in few hour.

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