100 Doors 2013 Walkthrough Level 41 42 43 44 45

08.07.2018 Off By admin

Update 100 doors 2013 walkthrough, several new level added yesterday and this level is not easy to get the clue or solution so we try to give you hint, so you can play more level because the developer said they will create more than 250 level for 100 doors 2013 and we will help you to get the solution when stuck. when play 100 doors 2013 with our galaxy mini we found bug at level 39 and 43, at level 39 the ball cannot in to bottom right pipe at level 43 you cannot solve it if not swap the row three between 3 and 5.


Level 41: tap arrow on the floor to get square and put screen above door, then count all square and triangle the answer is 7914


Level 42: tilt your phone upside down pick up knife, use knife to cut rope. slide torch up and curtain right now you can see the clue: triangle =7, line = 3, square = 5. sum : 2 triangle = 14, 3 line = 12, 5 square = 25 and the answer 14925.


Level 43: to solve this level you must find the empty square answer. see the cable to see instruction + * – /. purple minus, blue plus, green multiply, red divided.

2+6 = 8 4*3 = 12 8-5 = 3

4/4 = 1

if you not swap 5 and 3 you can’t get the answer, this is the mistake from developer. the answer 81231.

Level 44: Slide all shape to the door then move it to the shelf


Level 45: when number show 5 slide all ball to the hole quickly.

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